Professional Training

Professional Trainings
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Level 1
Level I training for providers new to the model or wanting to deepen skills training abilities through learning to dialectically teach skills individually or in groups. We will introduce working with Borderline Personality Disorder, actively suicidal or self-injurious clients, all four DBT skills categories, as well as useful concepts and tools such as Validation, Behavioral Chain Analysis, and Case Conceptualization. This is a fun, engaging training for DBT curious providers looking to either embark on a fully adherent DBT course or those looking to broaden their clinical skills with evidence-based strategies. 13 CE’s for LMHC, LMFT, LCSW, PhD, PsyD (can be used to fulfill 13 of 40 CE’s required for certification). Our DBT Level I trainers are Dr. Laura Meyers, Dr. Ren Stinson and Jackie Wright, LICSW.DBT Level 2
Level II training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for providers already trained in the basics of the model who are interested in developing a full-model DBT team or provide increasingly adherent individual or group DBT-informed therapy. Covering topics of in-depth validation and lovingkindness (towards self, team, and clients), case conceptualization, secondary targets, diary cards, structure of individual, skills group, phone coaching and consultation. Following training, participants are invited to join in on-going didactic and consultation calls. 6.5 CE’s for LMHC, LMFT, LCSW, PhD, PsyD (can be used to fulfill 6.5 of 40 CE’s required for certification). Our DBT Level II trainers are Dr. Laura Meyers, Dr. Ren Stinson and Jackie Wright, LICSW.
DBT with Adolescents
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Prolonged Exposure (PE)
Prolonged Exposure is a manualized, evidence-based therapy that helps patients process their traumatic event(s) and identify the ways in which trauma has changed their behaviors. For example, people who have survived trauma may struggle with being in crowded situations or feel the need to engage in safety behaviors such as scanning or sitting with their back to the wall. PE helps patients learn to gradual approach to feared situations (that are not objectively dangerous) and tolerate their distress until their fear subsides, giving them more freedom in their day-to-day lives. In this training, we will introduce exposure-based treatment rationale, how to construct a Subjective Units of Distress scale, an In Vivo Hierarchy, and how to conduct Imaginal Exposure. 13 CE’s for LMHC, LMFT, LCSW, PhD, PsyD (can be used to fulfill 13 of 40 CE’s required for certification). Our trainers for this workshop are Dr. Laura Meyers and Dr. Diana Mendez.
Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Exposure and Response Prevention for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a behavioral, experiential therapy that involves working with clients while they confront the thoughts, images, or impulses that they find distressing (exposure), while assisting them in resisting compulsive behavior (response prevention). With your guidance, clients can become empowered to live their lives without being ruled by OCD. The strategies from ERP can also be applied to other anxiety-related disorders. 13 CE’s for LMHC, LMFT, LCSW, PhD, PsyD (can be used to fulfill 13 of 40 CE’s required for certification).
Healthy Sexual Functioning
In thinking about what trainings we wanted to offer next, we decided that it was time to go for the most awkward, uncomfortable, and arguably most crucial topic of all – sex. Having a healthy sex life is key for most people, yet therapists are really uncomfortable talking about it, let alone treating sexual dysfunction. So on 11/12-13, we provided an evidence-based approach to developing comfort and competence in asking about and assessing sexual functioning in your clients, and then treating sexual dysfunction following trauma.
The first day provided education on how to talk about and assess for sexual dysfunction, with an emphasis on examining your own fears and beliefs about sexuality. Day 2 focused on tools to intervene to enhance sexual health and address trauma-related sexual problems, and guidelines of when to refer to a certified sex therapist. Case examples, discussion, therapist self-work, and breakout sessions were provided. Special considerations related to non-monogamous relationship structures, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious beliefs, and other cultural considerations were addressed. We integrated exposure therapy approaches, mindfulness, sensate focus, and an overall sex-positive approach. 13 CE’s for LMHC, LMFT, LCSW, PhD, PsyD (can be used to fulfill 13 of 40 CE’s required for certification). Dr. Laura Meyers was joined by experts in the field, Dr. Rebecca Stinson (who completed her fellowship at the Program in Human Sexuality at the University of Minnesota) and Dr. Jessica Goodnight (expert in the treatment of sexual trauma).
Recent Training Events
DBT Level 1 Introductory Training (1/20/23 – 1/21/23)
DBT Level 1 Introductory training will be offered 1/20/23 -1/21/23 with a hybrid in person/virtual option again.
Level I training is geared towards providers new to the model or wanting to deepen skills training abilities through learning to dialectically teach skills individually or in groups. We will introduce working with Borderline Personality Disorder, actively suicidal or self-injurious clients, all four DBT skills categories, as well as useful concepts and tools such as Validation, Behavioral Chain Analysis, and Case Conceptualization. This is a fun, engaging training for DBT curious providers looking to either embark on a fully adherent DBT course or those looking to broaden their clinical skills with evidence-based strategies.
13 CE’s for LMHC, LMFT, LCSW, PhD, PsyD (can be used to fulfill 13 of 40 CE’s required for certification). Our DBT Level I trainers are Dr. Laura Meyers, Dr. Ren Stinson and Jackie Wright, LICSW.
The in-person option will be held at the University of Florida. If you’ve attended this training before and are wanting to attend as a refresher, please register through the $150 student/intern link and you’ll still get CEUs.
Register through the links below.
In person $300:
In person student/intern/prior DBT attendee $150:
Virtual $300:
Virtual student/intern/prior DBT attendee $150: